Volunteer Form
Community Schools of Frankfort
2400 E. Wabash St., Frankfort, IN  46041 • Phone:  765-654-5585 •  FAX: 765-659-6220
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Child's Name *
Notice to Volunteers Regarding Limited Criminal History Check
To help ensure a safe environment and as required by state law, the Community Schools of Frankfort will obtain a Limited Criminal History Check for each individual who is likely to have direct, ongoing contact with children as a result of providing volunteer services in our schools. A Limited Criminal History Check submitted to the corporation must be completed for each school year. The school corporation can also provide you with one (see Authorization below).

Any entity which has a contract to provide services to the corporation and whose employees have direct, ongoing contact with children when performing those services for the school, must provide to the corporation limited criminal histories for such employees. An individual who is working for such an entity may also be required to provide the individual’s Limited Criminal History to the Community Schools of Frankfort upon its request to do so or to provide consent to the school corporation for it to request a Limited Criminal History Check of the individual.

Any information obtained from any type of criminal history check is confidential and shall not be released or disseminated.


I hereby voluntarily authorize the Community Schools of Frankfort to obtain a Limited Criminal History Check to consider when making decisions regarding my services as a volunteer in the Community Schools of Frankfort. I understand that I have rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (attached).
Print Your Name (last, first, middle) *
Date of Your Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) *
Your Gender *
Your Race *
Your Signature (by typing your name here you are submitting your signature) *
Which school(s) do you desire to volunteer? *
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