Best Solution Feedback Form
Best Solution is a marketplace for productivity apps and solutions. We are here to solve your productivity needs by bringing reliable productivity tools under one roof.

With this survey, we would like to understand your experience using and the improvements you could suggest us incorporate.

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Email *
Name *
Mobile Number
Age Group *
Gender *
What is your first reaction to the product? *
Very Negative
Very Positive
What is the quality of the product? *
Very Low Quality
Very High Quality
How innovative is the product? *
Not at All Innovative
Highly Innovative
Do you think this product is something you need, or not? *
Definitely Not Needed
Definitely Needed
How likely are you to pay for our premium products if we launch? *
Not at all Likely
Highly Likely
Have you come across any similar products? Please let's know the product name and website address? *
How likely are you to recommend this product to your friends, colleagues, or family? *
Not at all Likely
Highly Likely
What do you think about our brand name 'Bestsoln'? *
What tools or software do you want us to add to our portfolio, which could solve your productivity problem? *
What are the top 3 things you liked the most about this product? *
What are the top 3 things that you would change or improve about this product? *
Any feedback for us?
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