Political psychology meeting - Register - 29 November 2024
Dear fellow political psychologist

You are invited to join us for the Dutch Political Psychology Meeting on Friday November 29 2024 between 10:30-16:00. Please fill out this survey to register your participation.

We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!

Maaike Homan, Chantal D'Amore, Ruthie Pliskin, and Bert Bakker
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I would like to attend the Political Psychology Meeting on Friday November 29 from 10:30 till 16:00 at the University of Amsterdam (Roeterseiland Campus)
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First name + Last name
Email address
Institutional affiliation
Department (psychology, political science, communication sciences, etc.)
Position (Professor, associate, assistant, post-doc, PhD candidate, student, other)
If you're not already on our mailinglist and would like to be added, please indicate this below. Through the mailinglist, we notify you of upcoming meetings and other news that is relevant to political psychologists (job openings, events, calls for papers, etc)
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Please indicate below in case you have any dietary restrictions/allergies (if not, you can leave this open)
Finally, we would like to stress that you are free to share this invitation with other people that you think might be interested in attending.


Maaike, Chantal, Bert, and Ruthie
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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