RFP: Distilling Research Grant
Due Dec 1st, 2020

The DRG Advisory Committee will be looking for:
1) Is it novel? (completed works will not be considered)
2) Is it scientifically relevant research that will advance knowledge for nano and micro distilleries?
3) Is there enough background to believe that the testing and analysis can be performed in a timely manner. If you are relying on assistance from outside groups or universities for lab work and/or labor please provide a letter from the department.

Example proposal: https://distillingresearch.org/example-proposal/

The proposal will be scored on each of the sections below: Abstract, Background, Materials and Methods, Budget and Justification, Observations and Significance, and References

The ADI Research Grant will hold non exclusive rights for publishing the research. After publishing the white paper, the Distiller Magazine article, and performing the presentation at the ADI Conference the rights to publishing will be released to all forms of publication.

The Research Grant RFP will contain:
Applicant personal information (Name, address, phone number, email, school attending or name of distillery employed at)
Title and purported topic research
How this will advance scientific knowledge of distilled beverages
Expected usage of the funds, including: Any additional testing equipment needed
Cost of materials
Cost of testing
Expected completion date

An email confirmation will be sent by Erik Owens
Contact us at (925) 364-4245 or eriko@distilling.com

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Email *
Name *
Email *
Current Occupation/Title *
List Education *
List Distilling Experience *
List Research Experience *
Please provide how your background experience will provide the foundation for your research. *
Abstract: Provide a ~300 word project summary containing:Research area to be studiedResearch question to be testedRationale for testing the questionMethods to be employed in testing the research questionData/observations expected, and their significance to the field of craft distilling industry *
Background: Please provide a detailed background (summary of previous published research and findings) that support the rationale for your proposal. Literature should be cited and a list of references should be attached at the end of the proposal. *
Materials and Methods: Please provide details on how you will investigate your research question, and establish significance of your observations. *
Budget and Justification: Please provide a detailed budget of direct costs for materials and supplies to be used in the project. No salaries, but stipend for travel to ADI will be provided. *
Observations and Significance: Please provide details regarding what you expect to find and the significance of your observations. Also, provide some discussion as to how your findings will impact field of craft distilling. *
List of References/Citations *
Additional Documents: Please send to eriko@distilling.com *
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