Kentucky Medical Library Association Summer 2021 Virtual Conference Submission Form
This form is to be used to submit proposals for the KMLA Summer 2021 Virtual Conference. There are three types of submission that we will be accepting: Posters, Lightning Talks, and Presentations.
Deadline for submissions is Wednesday, June 30, 2021.
Posters: A single slide or image file that summarizes an informational topic or research project. The digital poster will be posted on our website and poster presenters will be asked to give a brief, 5-minute maximum presentation to conference attendees during the Poster Presentation Session.
Lightning Talks: A maximum 5-minute slide presentation on an informational topic or research project.
Presentation: A maximum 20-minute presentation on an informational topic or research project. A maximum of 3 presentations of this length will be accepted.
If you are interested in giving more than one presentation, please submit separate forms for each.
Graduate students, faculty, and staff of all libraries are encouraged to submit proposals. Presentations must in some way be related to the dissemination of medical information, medical reference services, health sciences resources, health sciences libraries, and/or health sciences librarianship.
Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of the KMLA Executive Committee.