CAPSalumni Mentor Application
Mentoring is at the heart of the CAPS experience. As a CAPSalumni, we believe your professional experience paired with your prior CAPS background will provide students a unique opportunity to learn from you, ask questions regarding their business and project plans, and career explorations. The level of involvement can vary depending on student needs and your availability. We do not “grade” the mentoring process, but we do ask that students set up at least one initial face-to-face meeting with their mentor early in the semester, and a minimum of one more face-to-face meeting by the last month of the term.

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Name *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Job Title / Company *
CAPS Graduation Year *
What class are you interested in mentoring? *
What is your availability? *
Why do you want to be a CAPS mentor? What educational/professional experience do you have that would be beneficial for students interested in learning about your field? *
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