I understand and have read the Terms & Conditions for the workshop and the Privacy Policy.
– The Honey & Lavender Hand Cream workshop will be held on the 25 September 2022 (5pm - 6pm) at Level 3, in front of Harvey Norman.
– A confirmation email will be sent to the email provided in the form. Please show the email for verification purposes. No transferring of names are allowed unless an email justification is sent to sunwayvelocitymallmarketing@gmail.com.
– Upon arrival, participants are required to register themselves at the registration counter at Level 3, in front of Harvey Norman.
– The organizer is not responsible for any accidents/injuries sustained during the workshop.
– Sunway Velocity Mall reserves the right to publish or display the names and photographs of winners for advertising and publicity purposes or any other use as the management deems fit and without prior notice, unless prohibited by law.
– Sunway Velocity Mall reserves the right to amend the terms & conditions without prior notice and cancel or postpone the event due to unforeseen circumstances or insufficient registrations. If so, participants will be notified accordingly.
- Participants are required to register themselves by filling up this form. Please do note that each of the session is limited to the first 15 registrations ONLY, on a first come first serve basis.
- Participants are required to provide correct and valid personal information in order to validate registration for the event. Any unclear or incomplete details will render the participation void.
- By participating in this workshop, the participants grant Sunway Velocity Mall’s the right to use any photos and/or material received during the period (including the Participant’s name, email address, contact number, photos, videos, etc.) for advertising, marketing and communication purposes without compensation to the Participant, his or her successors or assigns, or any other entity affiliated with the Participant.
- Sunway Velocity Mall reserves the right to reject any entries that are inappropriate, incomplete, suspicious or invalid.
- Sunway Velocity Mall reserves the right to cancel or postpone the workshop at its own discretion due to unforeseen circumstances or insufficient registrations. If so, participants will be notified accordingly.
- The protection of personal data is an important concern to Sunway and any personal data collected on this form will be treated in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Notice of the https://www.sunway.com.my/privacy-notice/
- Shoppers are deemed to have read the Personal Data Protection Notice (“Notice”) (as posted on https://www.sunway.com.my/privacy-notice/ and agreed to the processing of their personal information in accordance with the Notice.
Link to register as VeloKiddie member: https://www.sunwayvelocitymall.com/velokiddie