Dallas Tiger Central Tryout Registration Form
Dallas Tigers Central tryout registration form. Enter all the required information below. Once you register you are confirmed for the tryout and all you need to do is show up on the date with baseball equipment and water.  For all tryout information please refer to our website www.dallastigersbaseball.com. Please check website and our Dallas Tigers facebook pages for updates concerning weather or location changes.
www.dallastigersbaseball.com / www.elitefivetoolfit.com
any questions or concerns please email: Paul Ahearne, Dallas Tigers Central Director,  @ pkahearne@gmail.com
Select Dallas Tiger Central tryout you are planning to attend! *
Player's First and Last Name *
Player's Date of Birth *
What Age Group are you trying out for? *
Does your son Pitch? *
Primary Position *
Secondary Position *
What Select Team and/or High School did your son play for last year? *
What level did your son play at last year? *
Parent's Names *
Parent's Email *
Secondary Email
Parent's Cell Phone *
Secondary Cell Phone
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