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Leader Storage Intent to Vacate Notice
1. You must have a zero balance on your account to submit this form.
( Make payment by phone or at )
2. Fill out and submit 7 days before your billing date.
3. Leave unit empty, no lock and in good condition.
4. A clean up fee will be assessed for units left with any trash or other items.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
What is your name and forwarding address
Your answer
Which facility are you vacating from?
Center Marks Self Storage; 1285 Marks Rd. Valley City, OH
Rt. 303 Storage; 2601 Center Rd. Hinckley, OH
North Royalton Storage; 10717 Royalton Rd. North Royalton, OH
Cossett Creek Self Storage; 1595 Substation Rd. Brunswick Hills, OH
What Unit(s) or Spot(s) are you vacating?
Your answer
What is your reason for vacating?
Consolidating Units
Don't Need Storage Anymore
Pricing/Cost Concerns
Renting with Another Facility
Need Seasonal Storage
Leader Storage is hereby advised that the undersigned will vacate the storage unit(s) or spot(s) by:
I agree that I will leave the unit swept, empty, and in good condition. If I fail to vacate by the provided date I will give notice in writing to the manager that I would like to retain my unit until a later date.
Type your name below to attest as signature for above agreement.
Your answer
Send me a copy of my responses.
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