FCLYO Audition Workshop Registration
For students not currently in FCLYO who are interested in auditioning. We will go over audition video requirements and answer any questions about FCLYO participation.

Monday, May 6 from 3-4PM in Ms. Knight's Orchestra Room
RSVP by 5/5 so we can notify childcare who is attending!

What to bring: Instrument, current orchestra and solo books, scale sheet if you have it (print from www.fclyoglendora.com/audition)

NOTE: Attending this workshop does not obligate students to audition for FCLYO nor does it guarantee acceptance, but it will help! Prospective auditioning students only.
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Student name *
Instrument *
Current grade *
This student has parent/guardian permission to attend this workshop on Monday 5/6 after school. Pickup from childcare at 4PM.
Parent/guardian e-signature:
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