Preschool Community Peers Program Interest
Thank you for expressing your interest in the Peer Based Preschool Classroom Model. We will hold a parent information session for interested families on Tuesday, 9/19 at 1:00 in the Chesterbrook Library. We look forward to sharing more information on the program.
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Parent's Name (Completing this form)
Parent Email
Parent Phone Number
Birthday of Child (Must be 3.5 years of age by 9/30)
Is Chesterbrook ES your neighborhood school?
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Has your child attended a preschool program?  If so, please tell us a little bit about their experience (school, length of time enrolled, etc).
We are currently enrolling students in our PM session only but may consider an AM inclusive option in the future. Please indicate your preference for enrollment.
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Please indicate which days your child would be able to attend.
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