2024-2025 Groove Winter Line Registration
Please complete the registration for each student participating in Groove.
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Email *
Student's Grade (ie. 8th, 9th, 10th) *
Student's First & Last Name *
Student's Birthday *
Student's School *
Student's Email (if applicable)
Student's cell phone number xxx-xxx-xxxx (if applicable)
Does your student have percussion experience? *
If so, what experience do they have?
Are you new to Groove? *
If no, what group was your drummer in last season? *
What group will your drummer be in this season? *
Does this student have any siblings who also will be part of Groove? *
If so, what are the names of the siblings in Groove?
Multiple Member Discounts Are Available
Families who have more than one child in Groove can qualify for a discount on the total amount of dues.  If two kids join, the second is $100 off total dues.  If three kids join, the second is $100 off and the third is $150 off.  Please note: families can only apply for either awarded scholarships or multiple child discount to the total amount of dues, not both.
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