Hear Arizona Listener Survey
Thank you for listening to a Hear Arizona podcast. These podcasts address issues, create dialogue, and empower our communities.

Each month, we provide relevant content about problems we face, such as homelessness, aging, our education system, and the impact the pandemic has had on our arts community.

We want to know what you think. Please take our quick, 10-question survey below:
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Email *
Phone number
What podcast did you listen to? *
1. Before you listened to a Hear Arizona podcast, how informed were you on the issue? *
I knew nothing at all
I was very familiar/I work in an industry related to this issue
2. Before listening to this Hear Arizona podcast, did you have any pre-conceived ideas about the people affected by this issue? *
I had no thoughts or ideas about people affected by this issue
I was very familiar and/or work in an industry related to this issue
3. How well or to what degree do you feel the podcast effectively highlighted the issue? *
The issue was not explained well at all
The issue was detailed and explained so that I could understand it completely
4. How would you rate the podcast's ability to tell a captivating story? *
The story was not captivating or interesting
The story held my interest and was quite captivating
5. Did you learn new facts and information about the issue from the podcast? *
6. After listening to the podcast, have your ideas about someone affected by this issue changed? *
7. How likely are you to tell someone else about the information in the podcast? *
I won’t be telling anyone
I’m so excited I want to tell everyone I know
8. How likely are you to listen to more Hear Arizona podcasts? *
Not going to happen
I would love to listen to all of them
9. How likely are you to share Hear Arizona podcasts via social media or email? *
I won’t be sharing
I will use all avenues to let others know about Hear Arizona
10. Do you have any feedback or other comments on the issues or the podcasts?
Are you a member of Phoenix public radio stations KJZZ News and/or Classical KBACH?
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