Plagueis Activity Interest Survey
This is a survey I have put together in order to gauge the interest of various activity types to the Plagueis membership.  I hope to use this survey in order to present activities that are more focused around what the membership of the Clan is interested in doing to further promote activity.
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What types of competitions do you enjoy participating in? (Select as many as you want)
What types of competitions do you most often participate in? (Select as many as you want)
What types of events interest you the most? (Select as many as you want)
When you don't participate in a competition or event that you wanted to, what is usually the primary reason?  (select as many as apply)
What types of competitions/events would you like to see more of in the future?
What types of competitions/events would you like to see less of in the future?
Feel free to use this space to leave any additional comments you may have on the topic of events, competitions, and general Clan activities, thank you.
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