2025 Teen Reading Challenge
Teens 6th-12th grade are invited to participate in this challenge.

Read a book, or listen to an audiobook, that is Junior Fiction level or above (which must be completed during 2025, not before) and fill out this Google Form for each category you complete.

Each book earns you a small prize of your choice and a chance to win an Amazon Fire Tablet!

1 book can be used for 1 category. Read 12 books to complete the challenge.

There are 12 yearly categories that can be completed at any time during the year. Each season, you can complete the corresponding seasonal challenge for an additional small prize and grand prize entry. Seasonal challenges count toward the $10 gift card. You can only complete 1 seasonal challenge per season, and only during that season.

All readers who complete 12 categories earn a $10 gift card to a local business. If you complete 12 categories (for example, you complete 10 yearly challenges and 2 seasonal challenges), you can complete any available categories for an additional small prize and grand prize entry. 

Each category can be completed only once, and each book can only be submitted once.

Read and win!

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