Afghans Welcome- Congregational Support Grant
The purpose of this grant is to encourage and strengthen Disciples churches to welcome Afghans into local communities across the US. By working closely with local refugee resettlement agencies, Disciples are encouraged to connect with and welcome Afghans. This grant can be used for congregational ministries that help with food assistance, rent, or any other essentials. Grants range from $500-$2,000. For more information, contact
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Email *
Church Name *
Primary Contact *
Phone *
If awarded, to whom should the grant check be addressed? *
Mailing Address *
Brief Description of the ministry and its mission: *
Amount Requested (max $2000) *
How will this ministry directly meet needs related to welcoming Afghans? *
Has this church helped resettle refugees in the past? *
How, specifically, will grant funds be used? *
Include budget, if available:
What is the estimated impact (e.g. number and demographics of households to be served)? *
Please list any other partners or collaborators in the ministry:
Has the church applied for or received funding from other sources for this work? *
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