A2(Flyers)  Test 3
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Read the story. Write some words to complete the sentences about the story. You can use 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.

William's Backpack

My name is Pedro and my sister's name is Maria. Last Saturday, we went to London by train with our parents. My mum said it was easier to take the train than the car. Our cousin William came to London too, but he went by bus so we met him at Liverpool Street Station. He had a heavy backpack with him. 'I can carry your backpack, William,' Dad said. 'No, thanks, I can manage,' William said.

We went to the Science Museum first. I asked Dad lots of questions but he didn't know the answers. William took a book about science out of his backpack. 'Here you are!' he said to Dad. 'Thanks, William,' said Dad.

When we left the museum, it was very sunny. 'It's OK,' said William. 'I've got some suncream in my backpack.'

We went to McDonald's for lunch. My sister made a mess of her food on the table. William gave her a tissue from his backpack. 'Have this,' he said.

In the afternoon, we wanted to go to a famous toy shop but we couldn't find it. William took a map of London out of his backpack and we soon found the street where the shop was.

After the toy shop, William wanted to get a keyring, but he didn't have any money in his pocket. 'Look for it in your backpack!' we all said.

1. Pedro and Maria went to London by (..........).
2 points
2. Pedro and maria went to London with (..........)
2 points
3. Pedro's family went to meet William at (..........).
2 points
4. At the Science Musuem, William gave Pedro's father (...........).
2 points
5. William had a tissue which he gave to (..........) in McDonald's.
2 points
6. The family used William's (..........) to find the toy shop.
2 points
7. When William couldn't find his (..........), the family told him to look in his backpack.
2 points
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