The Floofpire's Gazing Crowdsource
The Floofpire is crowdsourcing data on pity with the updated 2.5% drop rate (patch 1.44). We'll be analysing and publishing the data so stay tuned on our discord: the floofpire

To make things easiest for you, all we need from you is the number of stargazers/timegazers/diamonds you have before you start pulling, as well as the number after you successfully pull a copy. Just enter these numbers here as you pull. 

Below are three fields to enter pulls into. The additional two fields are for when you switch from timegazing to stargazing, or from stargazing to diamondgazing. Do not mix numbers from different resources in the same field. If you did pulls already and counted them yourself, there is a field at the bottom were you can add those too if you want. 

Before entering your numbers, please keep in mind to:
  • ONLY do single pulls. Set your game to 6x to speed up the process
  • be sure that your pity counter is at zero when you start pulling. If you have any doubt about this, do single pulls until you get a copy before entering any data here. Keep this in mind especially if you make use of the 10-pull timegazing discount (after a successful 10-pull there's no way to know your pity counter) and for switching from stargazing to diamond gazing.
  • be sure you don't gain any SGs/TGs/diamonds between entries. Feel free to start a second survey if you do any significant breaks between entries
  • don't forget to burn your pity counter (point 2) when going from stargazing using cards to using diamonds, we can't keep track of that difference.
  • do NOT include Draconis Insignia - they are still dropping at the old 2% + pity rate, not the updated 2.5%.

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Pull numbers *
Please enter the number of TGs/SGs/diamonds you have before you start doing any pulls, as well as after every successful pull. Please separate the entries with a new line (hit enter).
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Additional pulls
Please enter the number of SGs or diamonds you have before pulling, as well as after every successful pull. Please separate the entries with a new line (hit enter).
Additional pulls
Please enter the number of SGs or diamonds you have before pulling, as well as after every successful pull. Please separate the entries with a new line (hit enter).
Manually counted pulls
If you want to add pull numbers you've counted yourself already, feel free to add them here in the same format as the pull numbers above. Please be absolutely certain that your numbers are accurate, following the important section at the top of the document.
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