6th - 8th Grade 2025-2026 Summer and School Year
Use this form for your sixth, seventh or eighth grade student. 
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Email *
What is your first and last name? *
What is your phone number? *
What is your child's first and last name?  *
We ask that you fill out one form per student. If more than one student is listed here, we will register only the first student named.
What grade is your student in for the 2025-2026 school year? *
What is a class you'd like in your child's schedule? *
What is a class you'd like in your child's schedule?
What is a class you'd like in your child's schedule?
What is a class you'd like in your child's schedule?
What is a class you'd like in your child's schedule?
What is a class you'd like in your child's schedule?
Please affirm that you are this child's parent, grandparent, and/or legal guardian.  *
The cost of each class is $600. Please do not pay the tuition until your child's registration has been confirmed. If you receive an email that your child has class placement(s), we ask that you note the deadline to confirm with payment. *


Cancellations more than three weeks from the start of the course will receive a full refund. Cancellations between three and two weeks from the start of the course will receive a 75% refund. Cancellations between two and one week from the start of the course will receive a 50% refund. Cancellations less than one week from the start of the course will receive a 25% refund, and cancellations during the course will not be refunded. There are no exceptions to this policy. 

Make-up classes are not offered when students are absent. There will be no credits, transfers or refunds for days missed. *
Students are expected to follow instructions, show respect to classmates and teachers, treat classroom materials with care, and use acceptable language. The classroom will be free from bullying and unsafe behavior. Any student who deviates from these expectations may be expelled from the program. *
In the event that my child arrives to class ill--or becomes ill while in class--I understand that Manchester Writing is not responsible for my child’s care.  *

Supervision will not be provided more than 10 minutes prior to class. Someone needs to arrive by the end of class and wait outside the classroom to pick up the student. Students will not be allowed to leave class unattended.

There is a semi-private bathroom (one for boys and one for girls) in the inner hallway and shared with nearby businesses. Please be advised that the instructor cannot supervise students in the bathroom.

If you are filling out this application during the initial registration period in January 2025, you have until January 10 at midnight to fill out your application(s). There is no benefit to being first. Starting on January 11, students will be assigned their classes using a lottery system.

After the lottery has been completed, Manchester Writing will process applications in the order they are received.
Is there anything else Eric and Heather should know?  
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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