HDNA Alumni in Israel: Facing Coronavirus as a Movement
We are pleased to invite you to join us for a panel discussion on how HDNA alumni and friends have been facing the coronavirus crisis in Israel!
WHAT: Panel on HDNA alumni and friends coronavirus response in Israel
WHO: HDNA ma’apilimot, bogrimot, and parents
WHEN: Monday, May 11, 2pm ET, 11am PT, 9pm Israel
HDNA Workshoppers and alumni are leading inspiring efforts to provide mutual aid and youth movement education in an isolating time. They will report on how it’s all going, and address the question: How do we build a just Israeli society while meeting its needs during a time of crisis?

Hannah Faber - Miriam, Workshop 63
Hannah, originally from Calgary, Canada, is one of the madrichot for Workshop 69. She’ll discuss how Workshop was able to transform into a program based on Kibbutz Ravid, with Workshoppers taking on a meaningful role in agriculture to provide food for Israeli society during the crisis.

Maya Lamm - Tavor, Workshop 58
Maya, originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan,  is one of the lead educational directors of HaNoar HaOved v’HaLomed, which is the largest and most diverse youth movement in Israel. Maya will discuss the process of moving activities for 90,000 Israeli youth online, and how the movement has maintained the core elements of a youth movement while shifting to a safe, digital format.

Shula Smith - Galil, Workshop 60
Shula, originally from Philadelphia, has been involved in Dror Israel’s efforts to maintain agricultural production during the crisis. She’ll talk about how Dror Israel has ramped up its usual involvement with agriculture and organized members to work at kibbutzim across Israel during this unique time.

Barak Sella - HDNA central shaliach 2017-2019
Barak has taken on coordination of mutual aid efforts in Haifa, delivering groceries and medicine to elderly neighbors who need them and supplying food packages for families in need. Barak coordinates a group of 250 volunteers including many Habonim Dror olimot from around the world, community activists, and neighbors in the Hadar area of Haifa.
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