I can provide accommodation/help
Dear members of the debate community, thank you for helping and filling out this form. We will use the information you provide to connect you with members of Ukrainian debate community who are asking for help or support you are volunteering to provide.

Please note that IDEA will share information you provide here in order to connect you to people in need but only after we check with you once more if this is ok. We have only limited means of verification and we will only send your contact information once you agree to commit to help a specific person that has reached out to us.
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Email *
Contact E-mail *
First name *
Last name *
Phone number *
Social media
Please provide links to some of your social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, etc.). This information will not be shared publicly, it is just to avoid scammers.
Which debate club and/or organization are / were you affiliated with? *
Please provide some information about your debate background. If you do not have debate background thank you for reaching out to us but since we are trying to maintain a robust verification mechanism please use other intiatives to offer you help.
I can help with
Country of residence *
City of residence *
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