2023 NACADA Region 2 Award & Scholarship Recommendation Form 
The Region 2 Awards & Scholarships Program is now accepting nominations for all 2023 awards and scholarships through November 1st, 2022! We know that it can be challenging to gather all of the information needed, particularly an updated resume and advising philosophy, to submit a strong nomination. Instead, you can submit this recommendation form and the Awards Chair will contact the recommended individual to let them know someone has recommended them for an award or scholarship to prompt them to submit a self-nomination! 
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A recommendation is not a nomination. It is a way to encourage others to self-nominate. 
Recommendations are due by October 27th, 2022 for all awards and scholarships to allow enough time for the Awards Chair to contact the recommended person prior to the nomination submission deadline on November 1st, 2022.
*The Graduate Student Scholarship recommendation form deadline is January 9th, 2022 since that nomination submission deadline is January 17th, 2022.
Please submit as many recommendation forms as you'd like and don't forget to submit your own self-nomination!
You may only submit one recommendation form per person (selecting one award or scholarship for that individual so be sure to review them all to see what you feel fits best). You may also only submit one self-nomination for yourself and one nomination per award or scholarship category if submitting a full nomination for a colleague instead of a recommendation. 
Recommended Nominee's Information
Who are you recommending? 
Nominee's First Name:
Nominee's Last Name:
Nominee's Email Address:
Nominee's Current Institution:
You may only submit one recommendation per person; however, feel free to submit multiple recommendations for the same award or scholarship for different people.
All awards and scholarships can be a self-nomination (although they do not have to be) whereas all scholarships MUST be a self-nomination.
For which award or scholarship are you recommending this nominee?
Please be sure to review all awards and scholarships on the website, including the selection rubrics, to determine the best option for your recommendation: https://nacada.ksu.edu/Community/Regions/Region-2/Apply-for-Awards.aspx
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Recommender's Information
That's you! This lets me know who submitted the recommendation. 
Recommender's First Name:
Recommender's Last Name:
Recommender's Email Address:
Recommender's Current Institution:
How did you learn about this recommendation form?
Feel free to select more than one option if applicable.
Do you prefer for this recommendation to remain anonymous? (This is not recommended).
We highly discourage anonymous recommendations as it is extremely meaningful for the recommended nominee to learn who took the time to recommend them and they may ask you for a quote, sentence, or paragraph regarding why you recommended them to then include in one of their letters of support (at maximum, two) when submitting their self-nomination. Your assistance providing that information for their letter or even providing a full letter of support is so important in the nomination process.
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Thank you for your recommendation!
The Awards Chair, Michele Divosevic (apple@udel.edu) will contact your recommended nominee directly within the next 1-2 business days.
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