Youth Ask! Legislative Town Hall
Young Alaskans need to hold their legislative leaders accountable! Join AYEA, Fireweed Collective, and other young people for a virtual town hall to discuss racial and climate justice with our leaders in Juneau. The event will be on the evening of March 31. We'll have a couple sessions to help people prepare and practice, too.

We need all levels of involvement from youth. You can do anything from lead the discussion to just show up. Please fill out this survey, and we'll keep you in the loop! Questions? Email Anne Hillman -
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What's the best way to reach you? Please put that information here. (e.g. text - 907-999-0077; email -; Instagram DM - @abcdef, etc) *
School and/or stage in life (This event is aimed at youth from high school to mid-20s.) *
How involved do you want to be?
What events are you interested in attending? (Mark all that apply.) *
Are there specific topics or bills you want to discuss?
Who else should we invite?
Any other comments or questions?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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