You may submit a maximum of two nominations for the awards. Each nomination must be submitted on a separate form. Incomplete forms may be considered ineligible for assessment.

Nominees must be currently leading a technology team for a firm or have showcased exceptional leadership/ innovation in this area. Along with significant career accomplishments, the leaders inducted into the awards must demonstrate the kind of substantial business impact, technology vision and inspirational leadership that advances the their role and creates a positive influence on the IT/Tech/Software/Developers profession.

Analytics India Magazine reserves all the rights to accept or reject any nomination.

The awards will only be given in person in Bangalore during Rising conference. The award will not be given to a third person or sent over mail. Incase, the nominee is not available on premise, the award would be cancelled for the person.
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Nominee details (*Required)
Nominee Name *
Nominee’s phone number *
Nominee’s email address *
Name of organisation the nominee is currently serving in *
Nominee’s Designation at the current organization *
 Award criteria
When making your nomination, please provide short statements describing how the nominee meets the following award criteria. Where possible, provide examples to support the statements.                  
1. A brief bio of Nominee (200 words) *
2. Demonstrated achievements of the nominee and the work for which he/she is being nominated.
3. Provide an brief on your education qualification
4. Demonstrate evidence on research, patents and any original work done.
5. Please share your Linkedin Profile URL *
5. Would you be available in-person to receive the award in Bangalore *
Information provided in this questionnaire by the individual will be an affirmation to participate in the awards. The individual accepts full responsibility for the information provided and that it is in its true form. Analytics India Magazine reserves the right, at its absolute discretion, to make decisions with respect to the final results of the study, after detailed research and analysis. The decision taken by AIM will be final. AIM will not be answerable to the individual about the methodology followed and the results deduced by it.

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