Volunteer Sign-up for WWM24
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for Wild West Marathons 2024! We are a Speedrunning marathon for a variety of games ANYTHING GOES*! Experience is not necessary and we have many positions available.

*Within Twitch TOS:

Volunteers are required to join our Discord: https://discord.gg/jVw8aSmUsc 
We will contact you through Discord if you are accepted! :)
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Discord Username *
Volunteer Position Descriptions
Tech Checking
Tech checkers ensure that runners are properly set up before the marathon begins. Primarily, you'll be checking internet speed, and runner's stream layouts to make sure they all look and sound correct.
This role has no set schedule, and is dependent on when runners sign up, and your own personal availability.

Live Setup
Live setup, similar to tech checking, ensures that runners are ready for the marathon, however this will be live during the marathon, setting up runners for their run. You'll be checking layouts and audio, making sure everything looks and sounds good.

Restreamers are the ones manning the live stream, setting up runs to be displayed, syncing streams together, and starting/stopping the timer.

Social Media
Social volunteers are the ones writing and posting the different posts onto social media platforms, primarily Twitter.

Chat Moderation
Chat mods are the sheriffs of chat, looking out for any baddies that need to be dueled. Primarily banning spam bots, making sure no one creeps too-far outside of PG-13, and setting markers whenever a run starts/ends.
This role has no set schedule. Chat mod volunteers can come and go as they please.

Graphic Design / Art
Art volunteers will be helping out staff with creating the visual aspect of the event, as well as the overall branding.
This role has no set schedule, however will be mainly pre-event discussions and work on Discord.
What Positions are you interested in? *
Pronouns (For other volunteers/staff to refer to you)
Do you have any experience in the positions you applied for?

Experience is not necessary for any positions, we will happily train you! But if you do have experience with past speedrunning events, please let us know!
Availability During Marathon Weekend

The event will take place from Friday Nov. 1 through Sunday Nov. 3rd. Please include your availability during those dates AND the time zone. 
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