Library Subscription Club!
Sign up for your library subscription using this form. Library subscriptions are available for a three-month subscription cycle. This service is intended for Teens 6th-12th grade and Adults 18+. The more details and preferences you provide, the better we can serve you. Inside the subscription, you will find a  library book (or two!), movies, TV shows or a combination (if you choose) based on your preferences along with gifts. When you finish the book and/or DVD, return it to the library, but keep the rest!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name (First & Last) *
Phone Number *
Library Card Number *
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How many Items would you like to receive for checkout each month?
What format would you like? Choose 1- 2 options. *
What do you like to watch, read or listen to? *
If other chosen please explain.
What is the last book/movie you enjoyed reading/watching?
What subjects or topics do you want avoided?
If snacks are a gift item, please list below any allergies or foods you avoid?
I understand I will be contacted by CCPLD through the preferred contact method listed on my Library account once my subscription is ready, and I will have 7 days to pick it up. (Call us at 815-634-4552 or email to find out what your preferred contact method is or to change this information.) *
I understand the books and DVDs must be returned but the other items are mine to keep. *
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