Volunteer and Leadership in IAEA!
IAEA is an all volunteer organization, most of us full time art educators. Together we are better -- volunteer to help move art education forward in Illinois!
We have all levels of involvement for volunteering.  Some positions don't even require you to leave your home!
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Your Name *
First and Last
Your email *
Your Home or school Address *
(So we can match you regionally,  if applicable )
Grade Levels You Teach *
Check all that apply
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Higher Ed
Grade Levels
Your Teaching Situation *
Check all that apply
Public School K-12
Private K-12 (Religious, charter, etc)
Museum Education
Private Studio/After school Program/Homeschooled
Pre-Service Art Education Student
What is your teaching situation?
I would like to volunteer . . . *
Please check all that apply
1 hour a year
A few hours a year
A few hours a month
1-2 hours a week
More than 2 hours a week
Volunteer Commitment Level
I am interested in . . .
Please check any below that interest you. (You are not obligated by checking any category)
Advocacy Team
State Conference
Check all that apply
Graphic Design for Publications
Social Media
Student Show
Regional Events
Webinar Presenter
PLC/PLN Creation
Write an article
Summer Art Ed Idea Team
Have an opinion on how to make IAEA better? Many of our best ideas are generated from members just like you when we meet for a couple hours over the summer.
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Board Level Volunteer
Time commitment ranges. Most positions have flexible time involvement and can be done from home. All board members are invited to attend board meetings. Check all that you are interested in.
**These positions may be currently filled, however, openings happen throughout the year.  Should an opening occur, you will be contacted at that time.
Regional VP
Regional Events Coordinator
Regional Communications Coordinator
Museum Liaison
Membership Chair
Publications Chair
Website Coordinator
Poster Coordinator
Student Show-Chair
Youth Art Month Coordinator
Pre-Service Student Advisor
IRAE (Illinois Retired Art Educators)
CPS (Chicago Public Schools) Liaison
Professional Development Coordinator
Anything you want to add?
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