Parent Volunteer Opportunities 2024-2025
Welcome to RAACHE Choirs! ย We view the training of our singers as a critical ministry. ย In order to keep this accessible to everyone, tuition is kept extremely low. ย We are only charging what we need to cover basic costs. ย Therefore we need volunteer help! ย YOU can make a difference in many families' lives and help keep costs down by assisting with us with your time and expertise.

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Grandparents, other family members, or willing and able choir supporters can be potential volunteers. ย Consider supervising an older child as he/she takes on one of our MANY volunteer opportunities. ย What a way to amplify an education AND give hours of service to others! ย IF we all pitch in with gusto, the load will lighten for everyone. ย Thank you for volunteering the MOST you can do.

If you are a parent (or older teen) with piano accompanist skills, let us know! ย If you have the skill set needed, you could accompany one of the choirs and receive tuition reimbursement. ย We also need to form a list of potential subs or occasional sectional accompanists.

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Parent Last Name (As Listed on Family Registration Form) *
Parent First Name (As Listed on Family Registration Form)
Usher (Type Fall, and/or Spring Concert(s)
Traffic Director For Concerts (Type Fall, and/or Spring Concert(s)
Instrumentalist (Type Instrument You Play Below)
Please choose a minimum of 3, including the above job descriptions
Larger Volunteer Jobs (May Include Tuition Benefits)
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