Please complete the form below to be featured on ECI Runner
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Current PR and Meet/Course it was ran on:
What are some of your individual goals for your senior season?
Tell a story of how you came to Cross Country. Did you/do you play other sports? When did you start running XC? When did you realize it was something you enjoy?
What has been your favorite memory in XC?
What is your favorite XC workout?
Do you have any interesting pre-race rituals or favorite pre-race meals?
Do you have a favorite course you run at? Any particular reason why?
What type of team goals do you have for the rest of the season?
Are you interested in running after HS (college or otherwise) and what are your plans after HS?
(OPTIONAL) If you wish to send a picture to be featured on the ECI Runner site with your responses please send a message to the @ECIRunner Twitter account or e-mail to
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