LISJAN Sign on Letter
Sign on become join our coalition of over 60 organizations fighting for criminal justice reform!

Become a member of our coalition by signing on here as an individual or an organization. We invite you as a LISJAN partner to share your events, speak at our monthly meetings and help us organize and mobilize our members.

Our main goal is to transform the political landscape on Long Island by applying pressure to local and state elected officials to pass legislation and engage in policy change that reduce the prison/jail population and call for an end to racist mass incarceration.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Pronouns *
Phone Number *
Home address (for purposes of organizing members by legislative districts) *
Organization's Website
Organization's Instagram
Organization's Facebook
Organization's Twitter
I am signing on to officially join the Long Island Social Justice Action Network and have the authority within my organization to do so.   *
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