The "Professional in Residence" (PiR) program offers a great opportunity for business and financial experts to gain practical experience in the startup world. To make this experience possible, we are looking for exciting startups and scaleups to apply as hosts for our program offering startup, fintech and specific mandates.
- The registration will take you 5-10 min depending on how many mandates you want to offer.
- All mandate offers are non-binding and the selection of the right candidate is entirely up to you.
- All mandate offers will be posted for free on a recurring basis until further notice by you - this way you only have to fill it in once!
- Our Professionals in Residence will act, depending on your needs, as part-time or full-time employees, advisors or experts and help you take your company to the next level!
- The first batch of Professionals in Residence (20 people) will be available from April 24th, 2023. From June 2023, we are expecting 20-25 new Professionals in Residence per month.
- Feel free to fill in this form in German or English. All Professionals are German-speaking (mostly German mother tongue).
If you are an emerging company with a vibrant company culture that is interested in collaborating with talented business and financial experts to accelerate the growth of your company, then apply now to become a host for our PiR program!
Thank you for being part of the "Professional in Residence" program!