Fair Trade SFU aims to promote fair trade around campus through student-led initiatives. It is a flexible, creative, and ethically-focused opportunity offering diverse volunteer experience while also connecting with a like-minded community.
Fair Trade SFU general meetings are held 1-2 times monthly.
By completing this form, you are expressing interest in becoming a general member of Fair Trade SFU, including being signed up for our email list.
General members can attend and participate in Fair Trade SFU events, projects, research, and attend general meetings, occurring 1-2 times monthly.
New members may join at any time.
General members who wish to organize events, projects, and research on behalf of Fair Trade SFU must complete Fair Trade Ambassador training to lead club projects, events, and research efforts.
Through this group, general members have access to:
- Education and resources about the fair trade movement
- Connections to the global fair trade community, including leaders and producers
About the Fair Trade Ambassador Program, for those interested in becoming more than a general member:
Intake for new Fair Trade Ambassador recruits occurs at the start of every term.
Training must be passed with a grade of 70% to receive a Fair Trade Ambassador certificate.
Fair Trade Ambassadors who wish to earn hours for their co-curricular record (SFU students only) must commit a minimum of 12 hours per semester to the group's efforts, the ~2 hours for training included.
Ambassadors are expected to commit for a 1 year period, but do not need to reapply if they wish to continue for longer.
Through this program, ambassadors have access to:
- Education and resources about the fair trade movement
- Connections to the global fair trade community, including leaders and producers
- The opportunity to lead fair trade outreach campaigns according to their interests
- Volunteer hours for their co-curricular record
More information about Fair Trade SFU can be found online at:
www.sfu.ca/fairtradeUpdates with the program can be found on our various social media accounts.
www.facebook.com/fairtradesfuwww.instagram.com/sfufairtradewww.twitter.com/sfufairtradeIf you have any questions, please email
fair_trade@sfu.ca Thanks!
- The Fair Trade SFU Team
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