Us. Alumni   |  June 23+24, 2020
I'm so glad you're registering for the Us. Alumni event! Below you'll find all the details about the event, as well as the form to complete your registration. Please email Mickey ( if you have any additional questions.

Calling all Us. Alumni: let's get together and share how we are integrating what we explored at Us. into our lives! We'll also explore the intersection of Brené Brown's Dare to Lead™ work with Us. 

Marconi Center/West Marin County

June 23 + 24, 2020

As a bonus, you'll get to enjoy some quality time with new Us. Attendees on the 24th!

If you know someone who you think should attend Us. for the first time, please refer them! If the person you refer signs up, you’ll get a $50 discount on your registration to Us. Alumni. Go to to complete the referral form.

Please submit your intent to attend the June 23+24, 2020 Us. event at the Marconi Center by completing this form. Submitting the intent to attend is a commitment to attend the event. An invoice and additional event details will be sent to you once this information is received.

$475 per person if registration is complete by 4.30.20; $575 thereafter. The cost includes all snacks, 3 meals, and overnight lodging. Cost is based on double occupancy.

Registration includes snacks and meals throughout our time. Accommodations for special or restricted diets are available, make note during registration.

Abundant on-site parking will be available. Address and directions will be provided at registration.

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Attendee Information
Name of Attendee *
Email Address *
Cell Phone *
District / Site / Agency *
Special Requests
Confirmation of Intent to Attend
Attendance and Payment Commitment *
Please provide information on payment below.
Who will be responsible for payment of the applicable registration fee? *
Who should the invoice be sent to? Please provide NAME and EMAIL. *
Special Meal Requests
When possible, we try to accommodate special dietary restrictions. Please check ALL boxes below that apply to you.

Dietary Restrictions
If you have food allergies, please list those allergies here:
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