PolyColumbus Board Application Form
PolyColumbus empowers individuals that either self-identify as polyamorous, open, or ethically non-monogamous, or are exploring such possibilities. We build community to provide a safe and inclusive place to not only be ourselves, but also meet like-minded individuals from all backgrounds. We advocate for the equal treatment of the ethically non-monogamous under law, and for broader societal acceptance of the same. We serve organizations with similar goals by documenting best practices and creating other resources for successfully running such an organization. Finally, we educate each other, allied organizations, and the broader community on what it means to be ethically non-monogamous.

PolyColumbus is governed by a board of seven to twelve volunteers who are elected to terms by the current Board of Directors.

The purpose of PolyColumbus is to serve its membership consistent with the above mission. All members are welcome to apply to be on the board.

The purpose of this form is to put your name in for consideration to be on the board.

Board members are required to:

1. Self-identify as polyamorous, open, ethically non-monogamous, and/or similar.
2. Reside or work in the geographic area served by PolyColumbus.
3. Maintain a reasonably active role in the activities undertaken by PolyColumbus, such as regular attendance at public meetings.
4. Be willing to publicly identify, with their real name, as a Board Member of PolyColumbus. Public identification will include listing on our website and in administrative filings.
5. Provide a personal commitment to the financial health of PolyColumbus, including giving a personally significant gift and/or raising funds.

Serving on the Board of Directors is not an honorary position; it requires active participation.

These things make all board members stronger:

* Broad diversity of life experiences and perspectives  
* Ability to contribute financially - either personally or through fundraising (or both) - per-person minimum of $250/year
* Experience with board governance
* Ability and willingness to network with existing connections already in place
* Connections to relevant subject area networks both locally and nationally (alt-sex, civil rights)
* Demonstrated leadership abilities
* Self directed - able to complete tasks independently (i.e. follows up on tasks with minimal reminders)
* Ability and willingness to commit to a minimum of 5-10 hours per month of board activity  
* Works well with others
* Has a passion for advancing the organization while remaining pragmatic in goals and methods
* Ability and willingness to represent the organization and our members in a variety of contexts (e.g. speaking at relevant conferences)
* Personal experience practicing ethical non-monogamy
* Participates fully in board activities
* Serves as an ambassador to the broader PolyColumbus organization
* Financial management

Prefer at least one person on the board with these attributes/skills:

* Financial background (e.g. business degree)
* Fundraising experience
* Human resources experience
* Legal background (i.e. law degree)
* Web development background
* Organizational leadership

Specific organizations we strongly desire to have a board member who has a connection with

* Adventures in Sexuality
* Blue Cat Services (producers of Beyond the Love, Erotic Awakening podcast, etc.)
* "Freedom to marry" organizations
* Humanist Community of Central Ohio
* National Coalition for Sexual Freedom
* Relationship Equality Foundation (organization behind Atlanta Poly Weekend and Atlanta Polyamory)
* SARNCO (Sexual Assault organization)
* Secular Student Alliance (local affiliate groups or national offices)
* Stonewall
* Various national polyamory leadership networks (such as the PLN)

Specific organizations it would be nice to have a board member who has a connection with:

* American Civil Liberties Union (state organizations or national offices)
* American Humanist Association (local affiliate groups or national offices)
* Axis
* Club Princeton
* Sunday Assembly (local assemblies or national / international offices)
* Wall Street
* Other major polyamory groups / conference organizers across the country
* Other businesses that cater to alternative lifestyles
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Name *
Preferred Email *
Preferred Phone Number *
Is it okay to text you at this number? *
Do you self-identify as polyamorous, open, ethically non-monogamous, and/or similar? *
Do you reside or work in Central Ohio? *
Do you foresee taking a reasonably active role in the activities undertaken by the Organization, such as regular attendance at public meetings? *
This is obviously subjective.  Give us your best guess.
Are you willing to publicly identify, with your real name, as a Board Member of the Organization? *
Your "real name" for purposes of this question is whatever name you are generally known by outside of any alt-sexuality communities (generally the one on your state-issued ID).
Are you willing to make a personally significant gift and/or participate in raising funds? *
Current minimum give/get is $250/year for every board member.
Of the attributes listed above which make a board member stronger, where are you strongest? *
Of the attributes listed above which make a board member stronger, where do you have the most room for improvement? *
Do you have connections with any of the organizations listed above or similar organizations? *
What else would you like the board to know as we consider your application?
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