Ballroom Basics for Balance Dance Party!!
Ballroom Basics for Balance (TM), is a class that offers a fun way to practice balance and falls prevention through the basics of dance. BB4B social dance party is a fun way to use the dances learned in class, meet people, and have fun. Never taken a BB4B dance class? Suggestions of dance steps and basics will be taught at the party and will give you a taste of what class is like. What types of dance can you expect at the BB4B Social Dance Party? There will be classic social dances like waltz, tango, and foxtrot. Some spicy Latin dances like salsa and merengue. There may also be a line dance or two. Partners are not needed, all dance steps can be done as a solo dance. If you need to use a chair to steady your balance while dancing, chairs will be provided, and shouldn’t stop you from dancing.

  • Cost to attend is $5 - pay day of.
  • Friday, January 24 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.  
  • Location:  Fitchburg Senior Center, 5510 Lacy Road.  53711.
  • Emergency Contact Form: CLICK HERE
  • Waiver and Release of Liability: CLICK HERE

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