Real Economy Lab Feedback Form
Your input is appreciated in order to improve and extend the work of the Lab. Respond to any/all below:
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Your name?
Any additional info about yourself (location, affiliations, contact etc - all optional)
What do you think of the current platform and documentation? What uses or interest are you finding in the REL maps and data set?
What tools, data, or support are missing from the project currently? What would you like to see added or changed?
The Lab has been focused on mapping the work of initiatives and organisations - the realm of practice. Would you like to see an equally thorough, complementary treatment of new economy theory and/or policy?
How might this kind of shared knowledge and tool set help drive initiatives to collaborate in larger 'ecosystems' toward shared aims? What kinds of additional support may be needed?
What will help make the Lab more accessible, engaging, and generally user friendly for broad audiences, and how could this lead the general public to engage more in economic systems change conversations and actions?
Anything else you'd like to add or inquire about:
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