2020 Triathlon Training Group
Join your friends and other triathlon enthusiasts for three coached workouts each week this summer. Wake up early and get the hard work done so you can enjoy the day! Sessions will include open water swimming, bike/run repeats, transitions, long bike, and run sessions coached by USA Triathlon certified coach, Jason Kask.

Program Details

·June 2th - July 30th (no sessions the week of July 4th)

Superior Performance Swag

Tuesday, bike run repeats 

Wednesday, long run or ride

Thursdays, open water swim followed by a ride

6:15-8am (with options to be done at 7:30 if you need to get to work)

Includes Open Water Swim Class registration ($99 value)


FREE for Superior Performance clients, with two free guest passes! 

$199 for others, with two free guest passes! 

$20 drop-in
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I have been informed that Superior Performance by Kask LLC and its owners, officers and employees will not be responsible for any damages, accidents or injuries that may happen to the User, its agents, servants, employees, or property of any of the participants or persons who are participating in this request, including but not limited to those causes which results from the negligence of the User, its agents, servants, employees or that of Superior Performance by Kask LLC and said User hereby releases Superior Performance by Kask LLC, its employees and agents from and agrees to indemnify it against any and all claims for any such cause which results in injury. This assumption of risk includes environmental theft and contagion risks in addition to risk associated with use of the center's equipment and facilities, and to include any location where Superior Performance by Kask LLC services are provided.Alterations to this Liability Agreement will not be accepted and are not permitted unless expressly authorized by a manager of Superior Performance by Kask LLC. Superior Performance by Kask LLC staff are not authorized to make any changes to this agreement.I hereby apply for permission for use of Superior Performance by Kask LLC facilities and services. I understand that this application is subject to the review and approval of the program's management.I understand that participation may be suspended or terminated by Superior Performance by Kask LLC if I am in violation of the rules, regulations and policies and/or conduct myself in a manner which management deems inappropriate or disruptive or make false representation of information contained in this application. I will not be entitled to any refund of program fees. I am responsible for any outstanding balance due.I understand that the training dates, times and services as scheduled are subject to approval by Superior Performance by Kask LLC and subject to change at any time by discretion of Superior Performance by Kask LLC.I understand that all training programs, plans, testing results, handouts, training logs and workouts are the intellectual property of Superior Performance by Kask LLC and may only be viewed by the intended user. These works may not be disclosed to a third party without prior written consent of Superior Performance by Kask LLC.I grant Superior Performance by Kask LLC and all sponsors the right to photograph and/or videotape me and further to use my name, face, likeness, voice and appearance in connection with exhibitions, publicity, advertising and promotional materials without reservation or limitation. I further agree I will not seek remuneration for such photos and publicity. Superior Performance by Kask LLC and all sponsors are, however, under no obligation to exercise said rights herein granted.
I understand that I will have to pay $$ upon arrival or the pay invoice sent after my registration *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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