慈善線上派對!Online Charity Party!

誠摯地邀請妳來慶祝「我們4歲啦」週年慶!今年我們將舉辦一個派對,把我們社群的溫暖與愛傳出去!在這一個小時的線上派對中,我們會跳 Zumba 與 舞麗自信 課堂中妳最愛的歌曲,活動全數收入將捐給中華民國水上芭蕾舞協會 ------ 這個在位於台中的協會專門在訓練水上芭蕾選手,包含身心障礙的學童。快來盡情地和我們一起慶祝舞動與喜悅的精神!
You’re invited! Celebrate the 4th Anniversary of Katie Moves Taipei by partying and paying forward our love for community and fitness! Join us in this free one hour pop- up party class to dance along to our favorite songs from both Zumba and Fit + Flaunt. We will be collecting donations for the Artistic Swimming Association of Taiwan, a Taichung based organization training teams of children including those with mental and physical disabilities . Come have a ball and celebrate the spirit of movement and joy for all!

💙 中華民國水上芭蕾舞協會 Artistic Swimming Association of Taiwan:水上芭蕾臺灣-201617307042827/

📆 時間 Time:3/13 (Sunday) 2-3 pm [Taiwan time]
📌 地點 Location:Zoom

用 Zoom 直播,派對前 2 小時寄出上課連結。
Livestream through Zoom. Party link will be sent out 2 hours before class.

報名成功會收到報名表副本將會寄到你的信箱 ✅
Check your email for a copy of this form as confirmation that you have signed up successfully! ✅

====【捐款方法 To Donate】====

若想加入捐款,請透過 ATM 轉帳 或 PayPal 付款
If you'd to donate as well, please make your payment by PayPal or Taiwan bank transfer.

1️⃣ ATM : 國泰世華(013)帳號 015-03-500664-5
2️⃣ PayPal:

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=【周年慶 Anniversary】=
有問題歡迎加 Line 詢問  If you have any questions, please contact us.   Line ID: @qyi0722y
名 First Name *
姓 Last Name *
捐款金額 Donation amount
帳號後五碼 / PayPal 帳號 / 使用(xx 的)餘額
Last 5 digits of your bank account / PayPal account / Use my (or ___'s) balance
免責聲明 Disclaimer *
IT IS THE INTENTION OF PARTICIPANT BY JOINING THE ONLINE CLASS TO EXPRESSLY ASSUME ALL RISK OF PERSONAL INJURY, DEATH, OR PROPERTY DAMAGE UPON HIM/HERSELF, TO THE EXCLUSION OF HOST ( Kathleen Batchelor) , ZUMBA, PRESENTERS, AND STREAMING PROVIDER AND TO EXEMPT AND RELIEVE HOST (Kathleen Batchelor) , ZUMBA, PRESENTERS, AND STREAMING PROVIDER FROM LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR WRONGFUL DEATH.  一旦在當事人在參加這線上課程的同時,就表示當事人同意承擔所有個人的受傷、死亡或是財產的損失,與主辦人(Kathleen Batchelor)、ZUMBA、表演者、以及撥放平台提供者無關。主辦人(Kathleen Batchelor)、ZUMBA、表演者、以及撥放平台提供者免除當事人的個人受傷、財物損失與過失死亡的則責任。You should consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs. Do not start this fitness program if your physician or health care provider advises against it. If you experience faintness, dizziness, pain or shortness of breath at any time while exercising you should stop immediately. 在開始此課前(或是任何健身課程),請務必諮詢你的醫生或是其他專業的醫護人員,了解這是否是你需要的。若是你的醫生或是其他專業醫護人員反對,請不要參加課程。如果在上課的過程中你感到無力、暈眩、疼痛或是呼吸急促,請立即停止。 This site offers health, fitness and nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. The use of any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk. 本網站提供健康、健身與營養的資訊,這僅供教育目的。你不應該依靠此資訊或是以此資訊取代以專業醫師的建議、診斷或治療。如果你有任何關於你健康的問題或是擔心,請務必諮詢你的醫生或是其他專業的醫護人員。本網站分享資訊的任何使用,若有意外後果由使用者承擔。
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