Wyvern Rising LARP - AAR Form
AARs are After-Action-Reports. This allows a character to go somewhere or do something in between events. There are three categories of AARs: Crafting, Story, and Shopping. 

As a friendly reminder, you may complete any 2 of the following: Story, Crafting or Shopping. Also, please note that you can only submit an AAR if you attended the most recent event.

If you have constructive criticism you would like to share with us about your event experience, please email it to wyvernrisinglarp@gmail.com
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Email *
Player Name (Out of game) *
Character Name (In game) *
How much did you enjoy the last event you attended? *
It was not very enjoyable.
I had the best time ever!
Tell us something cool your character did that we may have missed.
AAR Selection *
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