Autism Society of Texas: Advocacy Email List
Thank you for your interest in autism advocacy!  From going to the Texas State Capitol or making visits in your local district, to making phone calls, or sending emails on important issues that have an impact on people affected by autism, you can make a difference!  The Autism Society of Texas advocates at both state and federal levels. We will email you about parent/caregiver and self-advocate trainings, as well as action alerts so that you can help! Registering your interest does not commit you to attend any events or participate, it just lets us know you have an interest in advocacy issues! You choose how you'd like to be involved! If you have questions or issues, please contact Thank you so much!
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Optional but helpful! What Texas State House District number are you in? Find out here:  Choose "House" from the dropdown menu then enter the district number here.
Optional but helpful! What United States Congressional District are you in? Find out here:  Choose "Congressional" from the dropdown menu then enter the District number here.
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