Event Enquiry Form
Please use this form if you intend to book Meg for an event. Please note terms and conditions at the end of the form. Once your form has been received, Meg will contact you within 48 hours to further discuss your booking and create a quote for you.
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Event Type *
Event Date
Event Venue
Name of booking contact *
Booking contact phone number *
Booking contact email address
How would you like to be contacted? *
Terms and Conditions

Once you have accepted your quote, an invoice will be sent to you where a 25% deposit must be paid to secure your date with the remaining balance to be paid no later than 2 days before event date. If you wish to add anything else for your event, this must be done before the payment deadline to ensure a new invoice is sent to you.

Upon receipt of the deposit, you will be asked to complete a booking form with details of your venue, date and couple information. If you are booking a ceremony and/or first dance, Meg will organise a meeting to discuss song choices 10 weeks prior to your wedding (in line with you receiving your Ceremony Preference Form) however, if you are booking any other service, this will be completed 6 weeks before your wedding date.

Any bookings made within 2 weeks of event date require a 50% as deposit.

Any bookings made within 1 week of event date require balance to be paid in full upon booking.

Cancellations will be dealt with accordingly with the main contact of the booking.

Meg ♩♫

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