Warranty Form
Please read the terms and conditions below before submitting your form.

Space Home&Living warrants to repair or replace faulty products within the warranty period, subject to the following terms and conditions.

  • Proof of purchase is required when making a claim under this warranty. Warranty will only be valid for installation done at the address on the receipt or invoice and shall under no circumstances be transferred or assigned to any 3rd party. 

  • Buyer shall promptly report to Space Home&Living within the Warranty period if any defects are found resulting from faults in product or workmanship. Space Home&Living will repair or replace any defective components found which falls under the Warranty period. All claims must be made within the respective Warranty Period.

  • This Warranty becomes null and void if any parts of the power track has been dismantled and re-installed, parts changed or repaired by any person other than an authorized technician or agent of Space Home&Living.

  • Repair or replacement of products under warranty will not extend the period of warranty.

  • Space Home&Living's liability under this warranty is limited to repairing and / or replacing defective products only. This warranty coverage will not, under any circumstances, extend to any loss or injury to a person or loss or damage to property or any incidental, contingent, special or any direct or indirect loss and consequential damages including but not limited to losses incurred due to any delay in rendering service and loss of use during the period that your product is at an authorized repairer and/or while awaiting for replacement parts to arrive.

  • The following is not covered by warranty:
    a) Normal wear and tear
    b) Accidental damage
    c) Damages and faults caused by negligent use, misuse, neglect, or careless operation or handling       of products
    d) Damages and faults caused by use of products not in accordance with the user manuals
    e) Damages and faults caused by faulty and/or improper assembly or installation (except where carried out by Space Home&Living or its authorized agents)
    f) Damages and faults caused by repairs or alterations carried out by parties other than by Space Home&Living or its authorized agents
    g) Use of products for anything other than their intended purpose or anything other than normal domestic household purposes in Singapore
    h) Use of parts not assembled or installed in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer
    i) Use of parts and accessories which are not genuine
    j) Products with warranty seals removed or where the serial number has been removed, defaced
       or altered
    k) Damages and faults as result of use not in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications
    l) Damages and faults caused by not carrying out recommended maintenance
    m) Damages and faults from external sources such as transit, weather, electrical outages, water leakage, or power surges
    n) Damage and malfunction due to uncontrollable external forces (such as floods, fire, and lightning strikes)
    o) Damage and defects caused by household pests, as well as household pets
    p) Failures caused by circumstances out of Space Home&Living’s control
    q) Shipping charges, express service charges, transportation damage, removal, installation or reinstallation of the product
    r) When product is used in conjunction or together with similar products of the same brand, but not supplied by Space Home&Living (including but not limited to parallel imports of genuine products from other countries)

    Space Home&Living reserves the right to make amendments to any of the above Terms and Conditions.
    In the event of any disputes, Space Home&Living reserves the right of the final decision.

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