Introduction to OCDS workshop, 27th May, Ottawa
Alongside the 3rd International Open Government Data Conference in Ottawa we will be hosting a deep-dive workshop for publishers and users of procurement data to learn more about the Open Contracting Data Standard, and to share learning about working with procurement data.

This session will take place on Wednesday 27th May, from 09.00 - 13.00 at the Shaw Centre, 55 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, ON K1N 9J2.

Formal registration is now closed, but remaining places will be offered on a first-come first-served basis whilst there is space at the venue. The room details will be signed at the Shaw Centre.
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Your Name
E-mail address *
Job title
Open Contracting Interest
Please provide brief details on your interest in the Open Contracting Data Standard
E.g. are you currently working to publish or use OCDS data.
What do you most want to learn from this workshop?
IODC Registration
This workshop is taking place as a fringe event of the International Open Government Data Conference (IODC15 -

You can register for the main conference through the website. This website also contains details of hotels, travel arrangements and how to request a visa letter.
Have you already registered for IODC15?
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