Getting to Know You
Welcome to our Coaching Discovery Questionnaire!

We're thrilled to embark on this journey with you. This questionnaire is designed to deepen our understanding of your unique path as a female entrepreneur. By sharing your experiences, goals, and challenges with us, you enable a more tailored and impactful coaching experience. Your responses will guide our sessions, ensuring they are aligned with your personal and professional aspirations. Please take your time to reflect on and answer the following questions. Your insights are invaluable in helping us support you in achieving your fullest potential. Thank you for your openness and trust in this process. Let's dive in!
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Name *
Email *
Can you share your entrepreneurial journey with me? 
What are your top three business goals for the next year, and what do you perceive as your biggest obstacles in achieving them? *
How do you balance your personal life and entrepreneurial responsibilities, and where do you find the most difficulty? *
What areas of personal development are you interested in focusing on, and how do you think this will impact your role as an entrepreneur?
In what ways do you think a coach could assist you in achieving both your life and business goals?
Are We a Good Fit?
To ensure that the coaching relationship is mutually beneficial and aligned with both our capacities and expectations, answer the following questions.
Understanding the Investment:  Coaching is an investment in your personal and professional growth. Our programs start from US$800 per session and a minimum of three sessions is required within a six-week period. Considering this, how do you view this investment in relation to your current financial priorities and capabilities? *
Commitment to the Process: Successful coaching requires a commitment of time and effort. On average, our clients dedicate three hours per week to coaching sessions and related work. How do you plan to integrate this commitment into your current schedule and responsibilities?
Embracing Feedback for Growth: One of the core values of our coaching process is the exchange of honest and constructive feedback. This can sometimes challenge your perspectives and comfort zones. Can you share an experience where you received feedback that was hard to hear at the moment but ultimately helped you grow? How do you approach receiving feedback in professional settings?
Thank you for completing the questionnaire. We will email you next steps once we have assessed your responses.
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