RAC Membership Survey
The purpose of this survey is to understand what facilities our current members use, what facilities they would like, and how we can improve RAC and grow our membership.
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The Rand Athletic Club (RAC)
Are you currently an RAC member? *
Name & Surname: *
Contact Number: *
Email Address: *
Date Of Birth:
If you are the PRIMARY member, do you have family who are also RAC members? *
Are you a social runner, or do you participate in regular races? *
What distances do you like to race? *
What RAC activities do you currently participate in? *
RAC Time Trials: How could we improve our Tuesday Club Evening and Time Trials to increase interest and attendance? *
RAC Sunday Club Runs: Are you keen to participate in Sunday Club Runs? And what distances would you like to run? *
If you participate in RAC Sunday Club Runs: Do you think support tables are necessary or are you happy to be self sufficient or use garages? (nominal costs may be necessary) *
Week-day Training Runs: Do you currently train with a group during the week, or would you like to join a group? *
RAC Tent At Races: If you make use of the RAC tent at local races, what can we do to improve these? *
Do you currently volunteer at RAC events? *
If you are able to volunteer, in what capacity can you assist?
Would you be interested in assisting RAC Committee or Sub Committees? *
If you are able to assist the RAC committee, in what capacity could you assist best?
Do you make use of the Old Parks facilities, other than at RAC activities? (eg. padel, soccer, restaurant, bar) *
Do you believe RAC runners benefit from the Old Parks facilities? *
Would you like to be added to an RAC Whatsapp group, with a purpose of broadcasting only relevant club information? *
Do you have any suggestions or ideas about how we could improve RAC?
We hope that this feedback will give us a bit more insight in to what our RAC Club members' needs are, and how we can improve the club going forward. 
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