あうらんのメンバーシップアンケート   Auran's Membership Survey
Your feedback will be invaluable for future artwork creation and the management of the membership!
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0. patreonのID名(不明な方はTwitter(X)のID)を教えてください。

0. Please provide your Patreon ID name. If you don't have one, please provide your Twitter ID (X). This measure is to ensure one response per person.
1. あうらんのメンバーシップに期待していることを教えてください

1.Please tell us what you are looking forward to in Auran's membership. (For example: Cute illustrations, fan art, adult-themed illustrations, emotional situations, daily uplifting illustrations, fan-made manga... etc.)
2. 今後投稿してほしいキャラクターを1人、教えてください。

2.Please tell us one character you'd like to see in future posts. (Besides the silver-haired original character I've been posting, this could include characters from anime, manga, or VTubers, etc.)
3. 今後投稿してほしいキャラクターをもう1人、教えてください。

3.Please tell us one more character you'd like to see in future posts. (Besides the silver-haired original character I've been posting, this could include characters from anime, manga, or VTubers, etc.)
4. ”2”で回答でしてくれたキャラクターの、どんなところが好きななのかを教えてください。

4.Please tell us what you like about the character you mentioned in question "2". (Your feedback will serve as a hint or idea when I create artwork of that character. Feel free to be specific, even including your personal memories or experiences related to the character!)
5. ”3”で回答でしてくれたキャラクターの、どんなところが好きななのかを教えてください。

5.Please tell us what you like about the character you mentioned in question "3". (Your feedback will serve as a hint or idea when I create artwork of that character. Feel free to be specific, even including your personal memories or experiences related to the character!)
6. その他に、好きな漫画やアニメ、ゲームなどのコンテンツがあれば教えてください。

6.Please let us know if you have any other favorite manga, anime, games, or other content. Your feedback will be invaluable for guiding future posts!
7. あうらんへの、質問などがあれば教えてください。

7.If you have any questions for Auran, please let me know.
If it's something I can easily address, I'll answer it through the membership or other platforms! It might also come up as a light topic on Twitter (X) or within the membership. (Please rest assured that it will be anonymous! If you prefer your question not to be addressed, please indicate so.)
8. ここは海外の方限定の質問です!

8.   This question is for non-Japanese speakers.
I've included English translations this time, but do devices like PCs or smartphones automatically translate it for you even if I don't provide the English?
I'm uncertain about how much English translation to include in the future, so any advice would be appreciated! (If there isn't an automatic translation feature available on the app, or if its accuracy isn't great, I'm considering using Chat-GPT to provide English translations like this time!)
9. ここは海外の方限定の質問です!

9.   This question is for non-Japanese speakers.

I'm seeking advice on Patreon's unique regulations.
Information from Japan isn't always comprehensive.

For instance, there might be stricter guidelines regarding characters wearing school uniforms or certain Japanese anime characters. Additionally, if a creator posts illustrations on sites other than Patreon, I've heard that Patreon might check and potentially suspend accounts if they don't align with their standards. If you have any information about these matters, I'd appreciate your insights!  
10. 自由回答です!

10.Open feedback! (Any messages of encouragement, comments on past works, or anything else are all welcome!) It might come up as a light topic on Twitter (X) or within the membership. (Please rest assured that it will be anonymous! If you prefer your feedback not to be addressed, please indicate so.)

That's all for the survey! Thank you so much! (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡
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