Share Your Memories or Story
Our online Voices from Central State Digital Archive & Memory Forum needs your voice!

We need former patients, workers, neighbors, and families to learn about the history of Central State Hospital and contribute their own stories, images, and memories to the historical record.

By submitting your story about Central State Hospital you give the Indiana Medical History Museum permission to include it in the IMHM's Voices of Central State archive, website, publications, and social media platforms.

Your story is important. Thank you for participating!
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Name (Your name will not be published without your permission) *
Email Address (Your email address is required in case we need to contact you, but it will not be published or shared.) *
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Phone Number (optional)
May we publish your name with your story? *
Please use this space to share your story. If you want to contribute a longer narrative or be considered for an oral history interview, please indicate your interest below, and we'll be in touch! *
Please contact me about sharing a larger story or recording an oral history interview. *
I have documents (letters, photos, recordings, diaries, or other records) I would like to share digitally or consider donating to the Indiana Medical History Museum. *
Keep me posted! Please contact me via email with project news and updates. *
I would like to be added to the IMHM general email list to receive news and updates about other Museum activities, events, and volunteer opportunities. *
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