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We're aiming to bring together Designers, Installers and Local Jurisdictions to help build smooth, successful projects. Thank you for taking part to make this happen!
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Jurisdiction Name *
Jurisdiction State *
Jurisdiction Type *
What area does this Jurisdiction cover? *
(ie: a city, county, zip code, or a description of the jurisdiction limits)
What is the minimum required hydraulic Safety Factor for fire sprinkler systems for this Jurisdiction? *
Select the required safety factor. If the safety factor is the greater of two factors, select both.
What Type of Fire Department Connection is used for this Jurisdiction? *
When Standpipe systems are provided, are hose connections required on the Floor-Level or Intermediate-Level Stair Landings? *
When a fire pump is provided, is a backup power source required?
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Website Link to Local Code Amendments
Email contact for the jurisdiction
This will NOT be published. We will email the jurisdiction on our own and ask they confirm or submit their own data as well so that we know what is published is accurate.
Your Organization Type *
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