Inspire Me Survey for Creatives

Hello, Creative Friend! Would You Like to Be Inspired?

Are you a writer, visual artist, or musician seeking connections with a new and inspiring audience? I’d love to feature your creativity in a future Inspired mixer. Please complete this Inspire Me survey to tell me more about yourself and your creative projects and why you’d like to join the Inspired fun!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Your First and Last Name *
Your Website (if applicable)
How did you discover Inspired? *
Tell me about your creative projects *
Describe an Inspired mixer that would suit your creativity (include genre and time needed for completion) *
How would you share your experience in an Inspired mixer with your creative audience? (for example, email newsletter, blog, word of mouth)
Is there anything else you’d like me to know about you?
Please let me know any questions you have about the Inspired mixers.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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