Players' Survey - Her Time to Play
Girls Leadership is partnering with Her Time to Play to create a curriculum for coaches to support their athletes’ social emotional health and wellness! In order to understand what players need, we want to hear from you. Parents - feel free to scribe your daughter's answers. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. Thank you for participating!
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Player age:
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Player's Ethnicity
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Player's Gender Identity
How long have you been playing basketball?
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Why do you play basketball?
How do you feel when you show up to practice? How do you feel when you leave practice?
How has basketball helped you grow as a person? What have you learned about yourself from playing?
How does your coach support you? What things does your coach do to help you learn and grow?
Is there a way your coach could better support you? What ideas do you have about how they could help you learn and grow more?
What do you wish your coach knew about you and your life outside basketball?
How do you feel about your relationship with your teammates?
How supportive are your teammates of each other? How do they show support?
What are some challenges that come up between teammates?
What is the most challenging thing about playing basketball?
If you ever quit basketball, what would be the most likely reason?
Any other thoughts about your experience playing basketball you'd like to share?
Thanks so much for your time! If you would like to be entered into a raffle for a WNBA gift, please provide your email address here!
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